A little about us
My name is Sean, I am the founder and sole founder of this operation. I am a reptile enthusiast, and
love all of them, even the nasty ones. Although it is very time consuming, swinging a full time job and doing this, I get
great joy out of it. Every Reptile that comes here I am fully involved with on a daily basis, handling feeding, giving shots,
and cleaning up after. They are all my babies though and at the end of the day I am relieved to go to bed and know that they
are all taken care of.
Sean Johnstone

That is me and an albino Burm that was here a while back.
Me and my newest helper. He came as a rescue with some reptiles, and is a permanent fixture here now. Kind of like
the little guy.

Ian, My 12 year old little brother, and volunteer to my rescue efforts. He is a reptile enthusiast, and loves helping
take care of every reptile here, except for the large guys.
